Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Taking some time for me...

     With my due date only ten weeks away, I have decided to take a little time out for myself to try and accomplish a lifelong dream of mine. I have committed myself to a challenge of 30 days to complete it and I am giving it everything I have to make it happen. Today, I actually got up at 4:45am to put in some work. I never get up before 7:00am unless my kids do so for me, that is huge. 

     This thing I am doing has been a dream of mine since I was in the fourth grade. I set a goal to accomplish this by the time I am 30. I am now a month away from turning 29. Two clocks for me are ticking; the age clock and the baby clock. This baby will be #3 and I am busy now with two so I feel like if I don't give it a go right now, I may not get the chance again for a while. So, with that in mind, I am on day 2 of 30 and so far I'm right on track. I thought that if I blog about it a little bit it might keep me on track by talking to all of you about it and holding me accountable.

     I know this is pretty vague as far as what I am doing but I will share more along the way as I hopefully get closer and closer to reaching my dream!!!

"God gives us dreams a size too big so that we can grow in them."  ~Author Unknown


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