About Me

My Name is Shannon and I am a stay-at-home mom of a 7 year old daughter, a 3 year old son, a 2 year old daughter, and a 6 month old baby boy!! I have a wonderful husband who works hard outside of the home to make it so I can be a mommy to our children and raise them ourselves. I worked full time outside of the home until my daughter was a year old and when we moved an hour away from our old house, I had to leave my job and was able to do the job I have always dreamed of, a mommy.

My children are a huge inspiration for my sewing and I use the things I make on them and for them as well. I believe that you should stand behind your products and by making them for my own children, I am doing just that. That is a big reason I opened up my Etsy shop. I love to sew and I could only use so many blankets, bibs, etc. myself. My husband told me that we didn't need anymore blankets for the kids so I opened my shop to be able to keep creating and maybe make a little extra money to help out around the house.

My shop is named after my children. I call them "My Little Buttercups" and that is how my shop name came to be :)  When my son was born my daughter started calling him her little buttercup and I thought it was the cutest thing ever!

Little Buttercup Baby provides you with handmade items for Mommies and Babies.

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